Meet the Team

Troy Muller

I originally hail from the small town of Harrisville in the Scenic Rim region of SE Qld. 

My introduction to agriculture started at a young age. I grew up on a cattle property and my parents owned a Fruit and Veg shop in Ipswich. During the weekends and holidays I would work in the shop, this provided a good introduction to the retail end of the horticultural industry.

After finishing highschool, I studied Horticulture at UQ Gatton. Then for over twenty years I worked with one of Australia’s largest vegetable seed companies, this saw me travelling the world sourcing new varieties for the growers of Australia.

Come full circle, my wife and I then set up our own hydroponic greenhouses,  successfully growing high flavoured tomatoes for the specialty independent fruit shops of the east coast of Australia.

Now I am working with Flinders Agriculture on a mission to equip growers and farmers with the best possible soil amendments to improve plant health and increase crop yield. 

Phone: 0448 275 781


Mike Webster

I was born & raised on a cropping and grazing property west of Goondiwindi, QLD.

In the mid 80’s I attended a Boarding school at Downlands College Toowoomba. By 1989-91 I had gained a place at the University of Qld Gatton campus to study Agronomy. The skills gained during this degree equipped me with the knowledge I needed to spend the next 20 years working in partnership with family, on our family owned and operated arable and cattle property. We grew wheat, chickpeas and sorghum crops as well as running sheep and beef cattle.

In 2013 I changed things up a bit and bought a CRT rural supply store at Woodford and ran that for some 6 years.

Then I spent 3 years as the QLD & NSW Manager for Grevillia Ag. So from a child raised on a farm, studying agronomy, working the farm, owning a rural store and then being a rep, you could say I have a unique view from all perspectives. I now bring this view to Flinders Agriculture and I am looking to work with growers on sustainably increasing soil and plant health across a broad spectrum of crops throughout SE Qld, with the vast knowledge I have gained throughout the agricultural industry.

Phone: 0448 287 155 


Boyd Williams

I was born and raised in the rich cane field area of Bundaberg, Qld. I had a late introduction into agriculture, focusing the early part of my life on cricket from 1995, and attempting to play for Queensland. I was lucky enough to play in the UK in 1997 and in the NT in 1998. After missing out on a debut Qld selection in 2000 through injury, I returned home to Bundaberg in 2003.

I worked at my father’s Real Estate business in sales from 2003 to June 2006. In July 2006 I took over my father’s real estate business, but the global financial crisis in 2008 cut short my career in real estate. Loving the outdoors, I started working on an Avocado Orchard at Peirson Memorial Trust in 2009. I then moved in 2018 to Manage a new Avocado & Macadamia orchard at Bucca, Queensland.

Having more than a decade of horticulture experience growing avocados and macadamias, I have learnt the importance of soil health working with various agronomists over the years. Now I am working with Flinders agriculture, I can pass on my knowledge and help other growers to achieve better soil and plant health so they can achieve healthier crops and increased yields.

Phone: 0488 006 827


About Flinders Agriculture

For over 130 years we have been helping growers and farmers to best amend and care for their soil and improve their crop health through the application of high quality dolomite and now calcium silicate. Learn more.

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