Flinders Calcium Silicate – Mineral Mulch
Calcium silicates are emerging as one of the most effective sources of Silicon in agriculture. The benefits of Silicon include the enhancement of soil fertility, improved plant resistance to diseases and pests, and increased photosynthesis and chlorophyll formation.
Calcium silicate stimulates plant root growth as well as producing stronger and thicker cell walls. This increases the plant’s natural ability to tolerate abiotic stresses such as frost, drought and salinity to name a few.
Calcium Silicate also assists and increases the plant’s natural ability to resist plant diseases and insect attack.
Flinders Calcium Silicate is one of the most economical sources of agricultural silicon.
Flinders Calcium Silicate is a household name in the agricultural industry as an effective source of Calcium and Silicon for plant growth and soil fertility.
After application, some growers have observed the following:
Flinders Calcium Silicate has stimulated root growth producing stronger and thicker stems, leading to higher yield in crops.
We find growers commenting that “the crop just looks healthier”
Reduced plant stress from waterlogging in the rains of 2021/2022
Flinders Calcium Silicate also helped condition the soil making it easier to work. Replacing the need for additional gypsum or lime.
We have growers using the Calcium Silicate on soils that crust badly – they are “Sugar coating” after seeding and watering it in. They are getting increased and more even germination results also saving money not having to keep the soil wet/soft till the seed emerges.
Other benefits of Flinders Calcium Silicate
Promotes upright growth which assists in preventing lodging.
Also assist with heavy metal and aluminium toxicity
Increases the plants natural ability to tolerate abiotic stresses such as frost, drought and salinity. Calcium Silicate as well as assisting the plant’s ability to resist biotic stresses like diseases, insect attack.
What is “Flinders Calcium Silicate”?
Flinders Calcium Silicate is refined from a 100% sustainable and recycled material. There are no substances that will contaminate the soil. (SDS available).
Flinders Calcium Silicate is a unique product having up to 270kg of silicon and 140kg of calcium per tonne.
Flinders Calcium Silicate is assisting growers with improved plant health and increased yields in many crops like sugar cane, turf, lucerne, macadamias, avocados and cotton to name a few. What about yours?
Flinders Calcium Silicate is produced in two grades:
Coarse previously known in the market as Mineral Mulch, Flinders Calcium Silicate coarse is a milled product with over 95% of particles passing a 14mm screen. This product is used by incorporating into soil prior to planting in field crops. In tree and vine crops this coarse product is applied prior to the application of compost for best results.
Fine is similar to the consistency of Gypsum or lime and spread the same way with a belt spreader. It can be incorporated into the soil prior to planting or spread over the top of the soil and irrigated/rained in.
Flinders Calcium Silicate can be spread and combined prior to planting in most field crops, or can be added as a post-plant side dressing for trees and vine crops.
As with all other soil nutrients like NPK’s fertilisers, Silicon is lost with constant crop removal and weathering. It is therefore recommended to be applied every 12 to 18 months depending on crop requirements.
Flinders Calcium Silicate is not just being used for its plant growth and health benefits. It is also an economically viable substitute for Gypsum or Lime in soil conditioning applications. Our Agronomists can assist with customised application rates for your soil.
Flinders Calcium Silicate is being regularly applied by many growers in the Greater South East Queensland region. Call 1300 985 988 or visit flindersagricutlure.com to contact one of our field agronomists to discuss how Flinders Calcium Silicate could work for you!
About Flinders
Flinders Calcium Silicate is refined and reprocessed at our purpose-built facility in New Chum near Ipswich in Southeast Queensland.
Here we produce our 20kg bags and 1000kg bulk bags of fine and coarse products, as well as we supply bulk products to order. We have trucks to deliver bulk.
Our sales agronomists are happy to assist you with finding the right application rate and product for your situation.
We sell through most rural retailers across Queensland and NSW. contact us to find your local stockist.
For over 130 years we have been helping growers and farmers to best amend and care for their soil and improve their crop health through the application of high quality dolomite and now calcium silicate. Learn more.