Frequently Asked Questions
Sorry we don’t sell direct, we sell through most rural retailers across Queensland and NSW.
Dolomite is available in 20kg (pallet of 48 bags Minimum Order ), 500kg and 1000kg bulk bags as well as bulk deliveries.
Flinders Calcium Silicate products are available in 1000kg bulk bags, the majority of product is delivered in as in bulk loads , also being the most cost effective.
We have our own trucks to deliver bulk loads (if growers have their own truck they can pick up from our New Chum depot.)
For all bulk bags and pallets of Dolomite and Flinders Calcium Silicate products our resellers or customers arrange their own transport, again these are picked up from our New Chum depot.
Pick up is at New Chum, a suburb on the edge of Ipswich at the Brisbane end of the Ipswich bypass. Pickup is upon prior arrangement only – contact us for more details.
Our sales agronomists are happy to assist you with finding the right application rate and product for your situation. Click here to find our agronomist for your area.
We can arrange a small sample please contact our agronomists to arrange the right product for your situation. Click here to find our agronomist for your area.
For over 130 years we have been helping growers and farmers to best amend and care for their soil and improve their crop health through the application of high quality dolomite and now calcium silicate. Learn more.